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How to create extractors

The Data pipelines menu allows an admin of the Exivity solution to manage USE 'Extractors'. USE has its own language reference, which is fully covered in a separate chapter of this documentation.

As described in the USE documentation, you are free to use your editor of choice to create and modify USE Extractors. However, the GUI also comes with a built-in USE Extractor-editor.

To create a new USE Extractor, follow these steps:

  1. From the menu on the left, select Data pipelines > Extractors
  2. To create a new USE Extractor click the Create extractor button
  3. When your Exivity instance has access to the Internet, it will pull in the latest set of Extraction Templates from our Github account. These templates are then presented to you, and you can pick one from the list to start Extracting. If you don't have access to the internet, you can download them directly from Github. You are also free to start creating your own Extractor from scratch.
  4. Provide a meaningful name for your USE Extractor. In the above example, we're creating a USE Extractor for VMware vCenter 6.5 and higher. Therefore we call this USE Extractor: 'vCenter 6.5'
  5. When you're done creating your USE Extractor, click the Create at the bottom of the screen