1 Deploy the software
Deploy on premises or in the cloud.
On premises:
In the cloud:
Create Extractors
Extract data from AWS
Extract data from Azure
Extract data from Google Cloud
Extract data from VmWare
Run and schedule Extractors
2 Extract data
Retrieve data from external sources.
Create Transformers
Transform data from AWS
Transform data from Azure
Transform data from Google Cloud
Transform data from VmWare
Update and preview
Run Transformer
3 Transform data
Apply business logic, aggregate, map, and normalise raw usage data.
Create report definition
Prepare report
4 Create Reports
'Slice and Dice' the data however you wish.
Create Workflows
5 Automate tasks
Schedule tasks to execute at a specific date and time.
6 View Accounts*
Define up to 5 levels of hierarchy for granular drill-downs. Use Metadata to store additional information about your Accounts.
Step 6
View your reports in the GUI:
By Accounts
By Services
By Instances
7 View Reports
Get insights from the Account, Service and Instance perspective.
Manage Services
Configure Rates for Services
Create Adjustments for Services
Add Subscriptions to Serivces
Configure Tiered Services
8 View Services*
View and change the available services, and adjust pricing.
View Summary
Create Budgets
View Budgets
9 View Summary & Budgets
View a detailed breakdown of costs, and optionally define budgets on any level within your organization.
10 Configure Notifications*
Get notified about a Published Report, a Budget Evaluation or a Workflow exit status.
Create Notifications for yourself
Create Notifications for other users
Create Budget Notifications
Create Report Notifications
Create Workflow Notifications
Add Single sign-on integration
Configure automatic claims-based user provisioning
11 Configure Authentication*
Choose how you want to log into the application.